Fisika Sebuah besi bermasssa 3 kg dipanaskan dari suhu 20°C sampai 40°C. Jika kalor jenis air 400 J/kg°C, hitunglah banyaknya kalor yang dibutuhkan! emmettheaneyulv – June 10, 2023
Matematika 2. 9:10 merupakan bentuk perbandingan dari... А. 1 lusin terhadap 1 kodi C. 2 lusin terhadap 4 kodi B. 3 lusin terhadap 2 kodiD.9 lusin terhadap 10 kodibantu jawab mau dikumpulkan hari ini,makasih yaaa emmettheaneyulv – June 10, 2023
Ekonomi 1. Two climbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, left their base camp by a lake and started climbing the north face of a mountain called Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes. This climb was incredibly dangerous but the two men were experienced climbers and physically fit. On Day 1, the weather was good and the climb began well. At night they made a snow cave and slept on the side of the mountain. Three days later, after some very difficult climbing and bad weather, the two men stood at the summit. Unfortunately, the weather was getting worse so they didn’t stay long. As they were going down a mountain ridge, a disaster happened. Simpson fell and broke his knee. Quickly, Yates tied a rope to himself and then to his friend. He began lowering Simpson down the mountain and, for hours and hours, Yates helped Simpson get down the mountain. They were getting close to the glacier at the bottom of the mountain but suddenly Simpson slipped. This time he went over the edge of a cliff. He was hanging in mid-air. Simpson shouted up to Yates, but the wind was blowing loudly and Yates couldn’t hear him. (Source: Reader’s Digest USA, September 2018) After you read the text above, answer the following questions: a. what is the main idea of paragraph 1? b. what does the word “he” in ’this time he went over the edge of a cliff’ (par. 2) refer to? c. what can you infer about the position of the climbers from the word ’summit’ before the disaster happened in paragraph 2? d. continue the story based on the information of the text in less than 5 sentences. emmettheaneyulv – June 10, 2023
Matematika perbandingan ayam jantan dan ayam betina milik pak adi 1:5, jika selisih ayam jantan dan ayam betina 24 ekor,masing masing banyak ayam jantan dan ayam betina adalah emmettheaneyulv – June 09, 2023
B. mandarin Tolong bantu jawab, kalo yg gabisa gausah jawab ngasal. Terima kasih emmettheaneyulv – June 09, 2023
B. Daerah 17. Hal anu pamohalan nu nyampak dina dongéng Sasakala Panyairan nyaéta .... a. Lauk jadi budak b. Patani kadatangan tatamu c. Budak jadi lauk d. Budak ceurik eueuriheun emmettheaneyulv – June 09, 2023
B. Arab Melaksanakan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan hukumnya adalah fardhul 'ain. Jelaskan pengertian puasa menurut kalian! emmettheaneyulv – June 09, 2023
Fisika Sebuah bola yang massanya 800 gram dilempar vertikal ke atas dengan kecepatan awal 20 m.s-1. Jika percepatan gravitasi di tempat tersebut 10 m.s-2, maka energi kinetik bola saat bola mencapai ketinggian 15 m dari permukaan tanah adalah emmettheaneyulv – June 08, 2023
Matematika Alice membeli kamera dan kompor seharga $1680. Harga kompor adalah 20% nya dari harga kamera. Hitung harga kamera. emmettheaneyulv – June 08, 2023
Matematika Khansa memiliki 24 permen rasa coklat, 96 rasa strawbery, dan 72 rasa jeruk. Ia ingin membagikan permen kepada teman-temannya dengan jumlah sama banyak. Bagian terbanyak yang diperoleh teman-temannya adalah emmettheaneyulv – June 08, 2023
B. Indonesia Tulislah surat dinas dengan ilustrasi sebagai berikut! SMP Tunas Muda yang beralamat di Jalan Raya Diponegoro 10 Malang akan mengadakan rapat.Rapat akan dilaksanakan di Aula SMP Tunas Muda, pada hari Senin tanggal April 2022 pukul 07.00 s.d.selesai.Acara rapat yaitu membahas hasil kelulusan ujian kelas 9.Undangan Rapat tersebut ditunjukkan untuk Bapak/Ibu Guru SMP Tunas Muda Malang 11 emmettheaneyulv – June 07, 2023
Seni Langkah awal yang harus dikakui dalam mebuat gambar ilustrasi adalah? emmettheaneyulv – June 07, 2023
Matematika sin 1/2 X .[tex] \sin(1 \2 \times \sin(1 \3) \times \sin(1 \6) [/tex] sin 1/3X . sin 1/6X emmettheaneyulv – June 07, 2023
Matematika II. 9. Kelipatan 6 antara 20 dan 40 yang habis dibagi 5 adalah a. 24 b. 30 C. 36 d. 38 1. 2. emmettheaneyulv – June 07, 2023
B. inggris Aoshima is a sleepy island in Ehime Prefecture just one mile long and is better known by its nickname, "Cat Island." With feline residents outnumbering the human population by about eight to one, it's a must-visit for all cat lovers! Although once a bustling fishing island, there are now only a handful of human residents left on Aoshima. The cat population is thriving, however. Originally introduced to help the fishermen by keeping the mouse population in check, they are now YouTube sensations and the island's star attraction. Although semi-feral, the cats on Aoshima are used to human visitors. Thanks to the recent boom in publicity, it's not unusual to find a crowd of tourists attempting to befriend the kitties. Luckily, with over 100 felines living on the island, you won't have to compete too hard for their affection!These fluffballs will happily play with you and let you take photos in return for food and your undivided attention. There is a designated feeding area near the island's community center, just a couple of minutes' walk from the port, so if you wish to feed the cats please only do so at this location. All of the options below are TRUE, accept ….. a. Aoshima is famous as a fishing island. b. Many cats used to be slaughtered by humans in Aoshima. c. Nowadays, Aoshima is inhabitated by cats, more than human. d. People in Aoshima breed the cats in Aoshima for commercial purpose. e. Aoshima used to be a fishing island. emmettheaneyulv – June 06, 2023
Geografi 1. di daerah khatulistiwa yang beriklim tropis, pada periode bulan Oktober hingga Maret mengalami musim......A. dinginB. hujanC. kemarauD. panas2. bagian bumi Utara dan Selatan memiliki perbedaan musim, hal ini disebabkan karena....A. bumi berputar cepat pada porosnyaB. matahari hanya menyinari bagian bumi UtaraC. energi matahari banyak yang terserap di daerah khatulistiwaD. bagian bumi Utara dan Selatan bumi bergantian menghadap matahari jangan ngasal emmettheaneyulv – June 06, 2023
IPS Tuliskan 3 contoh kerja sama ASEAN dalam bidang pangan berserta peran dan fungsinya! Harus lengkap ya emmettheaneyulv – June 06, 2023
B. Arab 15. Perhatikan beberapa perilaku berikut! (1) Pak Irfan bersikap semena-mena terhadap karyawan. (2) Pak Ahmad selalu menghindari larangan- larangan Allah SWT.. (3) Bu Fatimah optimis dalam mencari penghidupan (4) Anisa selalu memperbanyak shadaqah. Perilaku yang menunjukkan iman kepada Malaikat Malik ditunjukkan oleh nomor .... (1) dan (2) C. (1) dan (3) b. (2) dan (3) d. (2) dan (4) a.bantu jawab yaa emmettheaneyulv – June 04, 2023
PPKn cari kalimat utama dan gagasan utama setiap paragraf pada teks di atas! emmettheaneyulv – June 04, 2023
PPKn Bagaimana cara kamu menyeleksi ormas agar kamu tidak terjerumus pada organisasi yang bertentangan? emmettheaneyulv – June 01, 2023